A glimmer of hope as the warring factions talk peace.
December 29th 2017
A glimmer of hope as the warring factions talk peace. A Civil War waging in Mountain View while the Prime Minister sits quiet, the army sits in Up Park Camp and some of the country’s police goes on Sick out.
The shots rang out as if it is Iraq, Syria or Afghanistan. The women and kids scream as the gunmen empty loads of clips of their heavy duty automatic weapons. This is not the Middle East. This is Kingston, Jamaica and specifically the Oliver Road and Jarrett Lane community in Mountain View.

According to reports, representatives from the two warring factions showed up at the Mountain View New Testament Church on Thursday December 28th/ 2017. The meeting includes the Peace Management Initiative and the Jamaica Constabulary Force.
Superintending Victor Hamilton told the Media that the men who are killing each other are men who grew up together. Other reports stated that the war began when a man was beaten and four high powered rifles were taken from him. The war have claimed many lives and left the community trembling with fear. A two year old child was among those shot and were taken to hospital where he was treated.
In a video circulating on Social Media, you can hear the noise of bullets ran out like wild fire. A woman in the audio says, “one dead”. The person who was making the audio was right in the middle of the chaos. It is like she was part of the war. At least she knows the people who are involved because we could hear the gunmen talking to each other. One woman says, the men are killing someone because the other side killed one of their men. They begin to shout DEM A COME, DEM A COME, DEM A COME. She was warning the men the police are coming. It was very frightening to listen to and one must wonder how can the police not get control or end the situation?
How hard can it be to find this woman? According to what Superintending Victor Hamilton said, these are people from the community. Therefore, one could argue it is not hard to pick them up. This event is one of many endless wars and murders in the communities of Jamaica? The whole of Jamaica is in a State of Anomie. It is clear that the gunmen and women are not afraid of the authorities. From the audio one could easily argue these people see themselves outside of the laws of Jamaica.
There was a huge response of police including the Commissioner of police George Quallo in the area. A barrage of weapons were seized and many of the gunmen were taken in custody. According to the police, the fraction has caused other criminals to flood the area. But one must ask, is the police doing enough? Why is it so hard to bring peace and security to such a small Island and where everyone knows everyone and knows who are doing what?
What does this peace talk means? Does it mean the gunmen will keep their guns and stay out of lockup as long as they keep the peace? It is very well they are talking peace but with this not an isolated situation in Jamaica one can’t help not to hold the police and the government accountable. What is the government doing to stop the loads of weapons coming into the Island? Are there enough detective work being done in the communities to bring the ring leaders to justice and cease gun violence? Or is the overwhelming response by the police just a band aide and not a real solution?