African refugees bought, sold and murdered in Libya

There are multiple reports that these girls and African refugees held as slaves in Libya.
Jamaica Live cannot confirm the photo is from Libya but there are a number of videos and photos coming out of Libya of Africans being held as slaves.
An article titled “African refugees bought, sold and murdered in Libya” Human trafficker tells Al Jazeera that refugees are being bought and sold in Libyan ‘slave markets’, dated November 29/2017 by Al Jazeera outline in detail the slave trade.
According to Al Jazeera, hundreds of African refugees are being bought and sold in “slave markets” across Libya every week, a human trafficker has told Al Jazeera, with many of them held for ransom or forced into prostitution and sexual exploitation to pay their captors and smugglers. See full details for article: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/11/african-refugees-bought-sold-murdered-libya-171129103602048.html
A video was smuggled out of Libya dated July 7/2018 refugees begs the International community and the world to help them.
So far the refugees crisis in Libya has yield thousands of victims with no end in sight. The International community is struggling to deal with the issue and Libya seem to be last on anyone agenda
Enslaved migrant Africans in Libya begs for the International community and the world to help