Bolt Mobility: Usain Bolt E-Scooter comes to New York

New York City:
The world fastest man Usain Bolt is now the face of Bolt Mobility.
Usain Bolt, stood on the steps of New York City Hall on Tuesday to promote the national launch of e-scooter sharing company, Bolt Mobility. The Bolt Company enlisted it’s namesake to be its official brand ambassador for their E-scooter. The company unveiled its newest scooter model “Chariot,” large enough to store a rider’s bags and comes complete with two cup holders.
Usain Bolt rents an e-scooter in a fictionalized New York City in a commercial for Bolt Mobility.
The company based in Miami Beach, already has a fleet of scooters available to rent via smartphone app for 15 cents per minute in cities like Fort Lauderdale, Florida as well as in Arlington and Alexandria, Virginia. Bolt also launched a new website and boast the E-scooter could offer a mutually beneficial relationship for residents and local government alike.
There is one problem, riding an e-scooter in New York City is illegal and can result in a $500 civil penalty. The rider’s scooter will also be impounded.
The Mobility Company are urging lawmakers to change the ban on scooters and Governor Andrew Cuomo is on board. He now supports e-scooter legalization and the scooter companies have hired lobbyists to make sure it happen.

“There’s a major traffic crisis in New York City,” said Bolt co-founder and co-CEO Dr. Sarah Haynes to reporters. “We’re excited to be able to help solve that problem in an environmentally friendly way.”
“I have run in cities all over the world, and I can tell you first hand that traffic is getting worse and worse in every city on every continent on earth,” said Bolt ambassador Usain Bolt. “The air quality is also getting worse, and I feel that now is the time that we must do something about it.”
“For me, I’m an Olympian so I know about getting around quickly,” quipped the retired Jamaican runner, who is the global brand ambassador for Bolt scooters.
“The first thing people always say to me when I get somewhere late is that why didn’t you run? So now I actually have the Bolt scooter to get there quicker,” he joked.
“It’s really good. It’s comfortable. I have five at home,” Bolt said of the scooters that bear his name.
Company executives declined to say how much the world fastest athlete is being paid for representing the brand.