France: Yellow Vest Protesters Hurled Poop-bomb On Police

France March 6, 2019
France was in a stink over the weekend, according to French police Rudy Manna from the Alliance Police Trade Union in Marseille.
According to reports, the Yellow Vest protesters hurled poop-bombs at the police.“[The police officers] had it in their hair, on their shoes, they had to dump their clothes. They’ve told me they’ve never been that humiliated. And since it was truly sh*tty afternoon, the showers did not work at the North Station, they had to clean themselves with cold water in the garage,” Manna said.
“The policemen were deeply humiliated,” Manna added.
The protester hurled bags of fecal matter at the police, the mini bombs were made using balloons, thin bags that burst on impact.

Twitter translation: “Yesterday, during the #ActXVI of the #YellowVests, several police officers were soiled by #pooptov (like molotov bombs, but with poop, I assume). On top of it, the showers in the police station were out of service so they had to wash up with cold water from a hose. Never had they been so humiliated, they said. #Act16”
(TMU) — According to French police, Yellow Vest protesters are now using an ancient form of biological warfare in the newest wave of protests. This weekend, authorities reported that Yellow Vest protesters hurled bags of fecal matter at the police. The rudimentary poop-filled mini bombs were made using thin bags and balloons with the intent that they would easily burst on impact.
It was reported that over 40,000 people took part in the past weekend’s protest, with 10% of the demonstrators concentrated in Paris, and the rest spread throughout other large metropolitan areas in the country.
It is reported that protesters have not been afraid to to get violent against the government. The BBC reported that Yellow Vest protesters had destroyed more than half of the speed tracking cameras in France.
Eleven people have died since the protests began, with most having died at the hands of police.