Health Minister Tufton To Doctors: Find Jobs Elsewhere
The Health and Wellness Minister Dr. Christopher Tufton are again making headlines.
He received a barrage of backlash following his statement at a meeting with representatives from Jamaica Medical Doctors Association (JMDA) and the University Hospital of the West Indies (UHWI). The Minister told the doctors they should explore private practicing domestically and seek employment regionally

Health and Wellness Minister Dr. Chris Tufton
This was said due to more than 100 doctors unable to secure jobs in the public sector even though there is a great need for them to improve our health care system. Many doctors came out after the TVJ All Angles episode aired on July 15, saying they are all exhausted. Some of the doctors claimed they are so exhausted they fell asleep while driving. Others said they fell asleep while attending to pregnant ladies, and during surgeries
One doctor even claimed to have fainted. Therefore, more doctors are needed for hiring because of the imminent understaffing. Minister Tufton told the Gleaner that CARICOM is always an option and that there are shortages in other countries. The President of Jamaica Medical Doctors Association stated there were no immediate solutions to hire these doctors. The Health Minister promised, however, he would look at the gaps in the public health system and garner funding to take on more doctors.