Japan’s Sex Workers Offered COVID-19 Stimulus Money But Said It Is Not Enough
According to CNN, Japanese officials reversed course, after being criticized, announcing several days later that the proposed stimulus plan would include women working legally in the sex industry. Under the drafted guidelines, sex work agencies and employers could receive subsidies for those who have to stay home to care for children during school closures. Sex workers could also apply for a cash handout, available for people who have lost income due to the coronavirus.

Japan’s Sex Workers Even though prostitution, or the exchange of sexual intercourse for money, is illegal in Japan, other types of sex work are legal. The sex industry in Japan generatesan estimated $24 billion a year, according to Havocscope, a research organization on the global black market. There are legally permitted industry “delivery health”. It is a euphemism for escort services but does not include intercourse. Another popular form of legal sex work is “fashion health,” which offersservices like oral sex in massage parlors. Mika who is a legal worker in the industry said, it’s not clear whether the handout is only available to those who have lost a certain amount of their income, or who have been dismissed from their jobs entirely,such as losing agents who liaise between the clients and sex workers. And there’s another problem: the plan requires applicants to show proof of their salary and lost income — a significant challenge for sex workers, who are often paid under the table and whose salaries can fluctuate~CNN CNN reported, that many sex workers don’t report their occupation or full income on their tax return due to the nature of their work and fear of repercussions. Even if their sex work falls within legal bounds, a pervasive sense of shame and stigma means that many are reluctant to identify themselves as sex workers on the record. Not even Mika’s family knows what she does for a living. The lack of documentation could prevent them from receiving financial aid. The alternative would be to admit omitting information on their taxes, which could lead to its own set of consequences. “It’s not clear how freelance workers whose income has not been reported to the government can get approved for the stimulus,” said Mika. “I want to apply for it, but it is not clear how to do it. I’m stuck.”
(CNN) Mika is worried. As a sex worker in Japan, she used to see three or four clients a day — then the coronavirus pandemic hit. Now, with people staying home and avoiding close contact, she’s out of clients and out of money.With no savings or other sources of income, Mika says she is living off borrowed money. She has tried to find other jobs, but nobody’s hiring in the middle of an economic crisis. At this rate, she might not be able to pay rent or afford basic necessities, let alone pay off the debt she has recently taken on.“I’m worried if I will have a place to live or if I can find a job to get money to live,” she said, using a pseudonym to protect her privacy. “I worry about (my health) of course, but now I worry more about how to survive.” The unsurety with the stimulus package gives little comfort to sex workers like Mika. She is unsure if she will ever be able to cover her living expenses and therefore believe it is not enough