Lightning Strikes Jamaican Prep-School Football Players Sending them to Hospital
Kingston, Jamaica Mon Sept 18, 2019
According to RJR News, On Monday September 16, the ISSA Schoolboy Football Manning Cup match involving Wolmer’s Boys’ School and Jamaica College came to an abrupt end following a lightning strike Monday afternoon.Video Player00:0000:00
According to reports, five players fell after a bolt of lightning during the second half of the match. At least three players – one from Wolmer’s, the other from Jamaica College – were taken to hospital as a precautionary measure.
The three students reportedly complained about pain to the eyes. The video of the incident shows a flash, followed by several players falling onto the field.
One student was carried off the field on a stretcher as he did not respond to treatment on the field, according to Loop Jamaica.
Jamaican news outlet RJR reports that one student has since been released from the hospital.