Lisa Hanna: Mind Jamaica’s Business and Leave Russia and Ukraine Alone
The Jamaica Observer has reported that Opposition spokesperson on Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade Lisa Hanna has expressed deep concern while condemning “any aggression in Ukraine by Russian forces”.
According to the report, Hanna stated, “the Opposition is deeply concerned about Russia’s current intimidating posture to circle Ukraine with an overwhelming military force. This is a dangerous threat by Russia that seeks to undermine the Ukraine government to act against its security interests which could destabilise Europe and, by extension, the entire world.”
“Furthermore, invading Ukraine and unleashing misery on the freedom-loving people of that sovereign country is a violation of International law and the United Nations Charter. Global leaders who have a sense of civility and respect for the sanctity of life and humanity should stridently engage towards a diplomatic resolution,” Hanna said.

Readers were quick to respond to her comment on social media. One reader Anthony Holmes wrote, no condemnation of NATO expansion or the fact that Ukraine is basically a far right country for which the US wants another puppet leader. The US and UK will be devastated if they don’t get their war!
Bridget Drummond wrote, please condemn the high cost of living in Jamaica, the crime and the violence, the missing children and other social issues in our own country.
Laura O’Mara: Miss Hanna, stop taking sides and advocate for a peaceful resolution. It hasn’t been a year since USA and NATO pulled out of Afghanistan, now this. #wedontneednomorewar/#nomoretrouble.
According to Hanna, “Jamaica must stand up and make its voice heard in the global arena on this issue. We must at all times seek to do the right thing and urge for peaceful and diplomatic resolutions when people’s physical lives are hanging in the balance. We must never abrogate our responsibility to be on the right side of history as war cannot be the answer, especially now when the world is seeking to recalibrate from the ravages of the COVID pandemic,” she said.
But readers think Hanna should focus on Jamaica’s problem which includes the epidemic of crimes, violence’s and poverty plaguing the Island. Samir Garvey wrote, talking about war in Ukraine and death toll here is far higher than anywhere else in the world can know idiots whenever they talk
Ginger Ale : What about the crime in Jamaica miss Hanna help the government to fight crime !!!

This is not the first time the Opposition Minister speak on Jamaica’s role in foreign policy. In 2019 Hanna called out Andrew Holness and his government for taking sides in the US/Venezuela conflict.
“The People’s National Party maintains its strong and principled stance of non-interference in the internal affairs of sovereign States and that the solution to this situation in Venezuela must ultimately rest with the Venezuelan people,” Hanna said in a statement this afternoon. Jamaica Observer