Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan toppled due to his support for Russia
According to ANI, Imran Khan’s pro-Russia, anti-West attitude might undermine his political leverage.
The report stated that Imran Khan visited Russia in February despite being asked by the Western States to reconsider his trip. He later rejected message to call out Moscow in the ongoing Ukraine/Russia conflict. The Pakistani army came out against Khan, condemning Russia’s alleged aggression in Ukraine which is said to have been a blow to Khan.

Pakistan under the leadership of Imran Khan accused the West of “double-standard”, in it’s reaction to the Ukraine conflict, citing the catastrophic wars in Iraq and Afghanistan with the underlying narrative of West standing up for “white Ukrainians” and not for other victims of conflict, purely because of their ethnicity.
Aljazeera has reported that, in the recent move to oust Khan the younger brother of three-times prime minister Nawaz Sharif, 70-year-old Shehbaz Sharif, led the opposition efforts in parliament that eventually toppled now former Prime Minister Imran Khan in the early hours of Sunday morning.

After submitting his nomination to the legislature on Sunday, Shehbaz said Khan’s departure was a chance for a new beginning in Pakistan. Shehbaz, the centrist Pakistan Muslim League-N (PML-N) party chief, is widely expected to be named the country’s new prime minister on Monday.
“A new dawn has started … This alliance will rebuild Pakistan,” Shehbaz told parliament on Sunday. His first tasks will be to repair relations with the powerful military as well as the United States, and tend to a faltering economy.
In a Facebook Post this morning Imran Khan wrote, never have such crowds come out so spontaneously and in such numbers in our history, rejecting the imported govt led by crooks. I am grateful to the people of Pakistan for turning out in large numbers to protest against the change of government on the bill of local Mir Jafars, and bringing the insignificant gang of dacoits to power with American support. This proves that Muqi in the country and outside the country. Pakistanis rejected him with full intensity.
Mr. Khan has claimed the United States worked behind the scenes to bring him down, purportedly because of Washington’s displeasure over his independent foreign policy choices, which often favor China and Russia. He has occasionally defied America and stridently criticized America’s post 9/11 war on terror. Mr. Khan said America was deeply disturbed by his visit to Russia and his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Feb. 24, the start of the devastating war in Ukraine. CSMoniter
The U.S. State Department has denied his allegations.
According to reports coming out of Pakistan, Khan have the support of about 65% of the country’s population. One person wrote, the overwhelmed response of the masses from Karachi to Kashmir has proved the popularity and credibility of your narrative. More power to you!
Farid Ayoob Hussain, Just nailed it Sir… Nation is behind you. Only for our independence and sovereignty. Long Live Pakistan and You, Sir Muhammad Imran Ahmed Khan.
Shaz Iqb, Today is a dark day for Pakistan but the future of this nation will depend on the Pakistani people finally waking up and recognizing that foreign interference has always caused devastation in this country. We as a nation have to stand with Imran khan in his fight against corruption in Pakistan.
Reza Ul Karim , Imran Khan is not defeated and he can’t be defeated, a
leader who has won the heart of Muslim Jahan, can he defeated by anyone? A
leader who has such noble virtues like integrity, honesty, dedication and
patriotism for his own nation- can he be defeated? No!!!Imran has set example
of patriotism for the other nations too. The Atrocious act which was made by
Pak-Army in 1971, Bangladesh will never forget and forgive that; and the
betrayals which is done by Pak army, I guess Pakistani nation will never forget
and forgive their Military! I respect Mr. Imran khan since my childhood, So I
have firm belief on him and It’s the nation’s spontaneous support which
actually made him the winner! Vote is not everything .Surely history will
remember —-Imran khan wasn’t removed for Corruption, money laundering or Betraying
the Nation but he was removed due to his integrity, he tried to establish
Muslim block, he stood against world superpowers & Gaddar/Mir Jafars in
Pakistan. May be Allah has done it to let the Pakistanis to know who are the
betrayers, who are friends, who are the foes and who are the true patriot like
Imran. Remember—-‘Allah is the best strategist over the strategist’—- Sura
Anfal, verse-30.The situation will turn positively towards Imran Khan and he
will gain more popularity than ever .Surely, it’s just matter
of time, IMRAN KHAN will turn the tables once again. Insha Allah. Thanks Major
Reza Ul Karim. Best wishes From Bangladesh Reza Ul
Isra Ahmed, You are our Pride of Pakistan. ..You are brave….No doubt After Allah Almighty you are the one whom changes Pakistan towards of independency not like beggers..may Allah always protect you from evil…always vote for Imran Khan…..You are one Man army against all Political Parties….it shows you are not only politician.. You are Leader.
Over the past decade, the United States, through USAID, has given Pakistan nearly $7.7 billion of funding. Pakistan remains one of America’s largest recipients of foreign assistance, a sign of our long-term partnership and commitment. Therefore, with the hefty yearly donations and the Pakistani army against Khan, there are no people power that can stop him from being ousted from government.