Unconfirmed allegations 8-yrs-old mother is a witness
There are unconfirmed reports that 8 years old Danielle Rowe’s mother either intended to be a witness or already a witness in a criminal case. Jamaica Live received reports that there are ongoing rumours in Portmore that this could be the reason for the wicked act on little Danielle Rowe. The attack on little Danielle is intended to be a deterrent or punishment.
The police have yet to establish a motive for the abduction and murder or found who is responsible.
Danielle Rowe, the 8 years old who was abducted from school in Braeton, St. Catherine has reported died in hospital.
According to reports, Danielle Rowe, a student of Braeton Primary in Portmore, St Catherine was abducted was taken from the school by unknown assailants in a motor car. She was transported to Vineyard Town in St Andrew and thrown from the vehicle. She was found with her throat slashed on the side of the road.

According to reports, the child was found by passers-by and rushed to the Bustamante hospital for children, where she was admitted. The report from Loop News, says an urgent appeal for blood donation was made, but those calls were not enough as reports emerged from senior officials at the St Andrew South Police Division on Saturday that the child passed away.