Urban Princess. History in the making
Jan 9. 2018

In some cases, when one associates Urban with people of colour it is seen as a slight. In this case, however, it is cool, popping and trendy. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle arrived in Brixton-let’s be honest, there will always be cheering crowds whenever the royals shows up. But this time it was different. Not only because Brixton has a huge black population, but it was the reaction from the people. You could see black faces with the eyes and emotion that says “we are happy to see you”. They were shouting and screaming her name. They were telling Meghan, “WE LOVE YOU”. You could literally hear the people shouting her name, MEGHAN, MEGHAN, as if they know her personally.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle visited an urban radio station run by black British. They went to the studios of Reprezent 107.3 FM in Brixton. It is an underground music station and the only one in the UK presented by people under 25 years old. They listened to music and traded urban handshakes. One of the DJ at the radio station was comfortable enough to give Harry his business card and offered to play at their wedding-come on now! How much urban can that get?! LOL. An urban wedding at Buckingham Palace.

Since Princess Diana, the royal family is not seen publicly involved in any Urban Initiatives. After a visit to Angola in 1997, Diana became an anti-landmine activist. She advocated for a worldwide ban on landmines. She famously took photos with Angolans whom had lost limbs from landmines. She championed causes of HIV, AIDS, and Leprosy which affected people from India, Nepal, and Zimbabwe. The bottom line is she was an advocate for issues that affected people of colour. Princes Willian and Harry made it clear they wanted to continue their mother’s work. So to see Harry and Meghan showing up in the Urban Mecca of Brixton, in her first royal engagement, reignites the Princess Diana phenomena.

One particular woman that made the news is Helen Wiltshire. She is a 69 years old woman from Crawley, West Sussex. She was overcome with emotion and broke down in tears as she thanked Meghan Markle and Prince Harry for their visit. She told Meghan she ‘loved her’. The woman clasped hands with Miss Markle and Prince Harry when they left Pop Brixton. She explained she has a special connection with the Royal Family which dates back to the early 20th century.
Helen Wiltshire told MailOnline: ‘It just means so much. In 1900, my grandfather signed the 1900 Uganda Agreement with Queen Victoria. Because of the royal connection we’ve always felt close to them”. You could see the emotion coming from the lady as she wept as she held their hands and told Meghan: “Thank you, thank you for all you’ve done.”

This is an historic milestone for the royal family. This event will go into the history books that after more than a thousand years the royal family welcome its first black princes. Meghan Markle, so early in the royal family, one could argue, has found her calling. She not only made the connection to the urban community in Brixton but garner the intrigue of many black people who want to see what her role will be within the royal family. Finally, black people see someone in the royal family that looks like them. Meghan Markle’s mother is black but her father is white. Nevertheless, her black presents is dominant.
In a time when the Royal family is arguable becoming outdated, this will be a good look for them. It will bring new energy to the royal family-an urban energy. Meghan Markle could be the breath of fresh air the Palace is looking for. Ms. Markle and Prince Harry could not only join forces to continue his mother’s work but add urban initiatives to her Royal Duties.