Voicenote alleged baby mamma saga hit for hire of Minister Paulwell’s daughter and her mother
A voicenote is making it way around social media claiming suspect in custody 34 years old Leoda Bradshaw is a baby mother of Opposition Member of Phillip Paulwell.
According to the woman on the voicenote, Leoda Bradshaw hired a hitman to kill missing 10-month-old daughter Sarayah Paulwell and her mother, 27-year-old Toshyna Patterson.
The woman claims Bradshaw hired another man to kill the hitman to get rid of any evidence connecting her to the murders. The second hitman, missed his mark of killing the first hitman and the first hitman, in fear of his life, turned himself into the police and confessed to the killings and shows where the bodies are.
The are no official update from the Jamaica Constabulary Force on the missing mother and daughter but the Jamaica Gleaner reported on Sunday, that the police investigators believe that the bodies of Sarayah Paulwell, the infant daughter of opposition Member of Parliament Phillip Paulwell, and her mother, Toshyna Patterson, were discarded at a “crime scene” that has been located in east Kingston, law enforcement sources revealed yesterday. The disclosure came after police crime scene investigators spent hours scouring the site, located at an undisclosed location in Rockfort, on Friday and again yesterday.
According to the Gleaner, United States Navy petty officer Leoda Bradshaw, 34, who also has an eight-year-old daughter for Minister Paulwell and one of four people now in police custody in connection with the disappearance of the 10-month-old child and her 27-year-old mother, said through her lawyers, maintains her innocence.
“A crime scene was identified and processed by the police. Detectives believe that the bodies of the two people, the child and her mother, were disposed of there,” a source close to the investigation told The Sunday Gleaner on Saturday.