Yvette and Raymond Ramsey celebrate 34 years of marital bliss

Yvette and Raymond Ramsey marked a beautiful milestone this week, celebrating 34 years of marriage at the idyllic Couples Resorts in Tower Isle, Jamaica. Their journey began at The Jamaica Telephone Company, where they first crossed paths in 1987. Their bond quickly blossomed, leading to marriage just three years later.

Yvette and Raymond Ramsey

They graciously share that the secret to their enduring love lies in their faith in God, coupled with a forgiving nature and ample patience. As devoted members of the Faith Apostolic Ministry Church in Kingston, they cherish the family they’ve built together, which includes their two beloved children. Their advice to other couples is simple yet profound: cultivate a strong friendship before embarking on the journey of marriage.

The couple’s stay at Couples Tower Isle was nothing short of magical, as they immersed themselves in the resort’s tranquil and serene atmosphere, perfect for celebrating their three-and-a-half-decade-long union.

Couples Resorts in Tower Isle, Jamaica

Tia Rooney, the Weddings Manager at Couples Resorts, noted the resort’s unwavering dedication to creating the ideal backdrop for special moments of love and connection. She observed, “For decades, Couples Resorts has been committed to crafting the perfect setting for milestones that celebrate love, and none are more important than weddings. We understand that the memory of your wedding day will truly last a lifetime, and so we offer our unique blend of luxury, personalized service, and genuine hospitality to create the most beautiful beginnings.”

Indeed, Yvette and Raymond Ramsey’s celebration at Couples Resorts not only honored their remarkable 34-year journey but also highlighted the timeless tradition of cherishing love and shared experiences in breathtaking locations. Their story serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration to many, exemplifying how love, faith, and friendship can fortify the bond between two people.

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